...existing to know Jesus and make Him known...

At Walla' Pres, we try to be real, fun, intentional, relevant, and growing. We want everyone who runs into us to feel welcomed and valued... wherever they are in their lives and their walk with the Lord. Sometimes we do that, other times we miss the goal; but that's ok... we aren't expected to be perfect!

Feel free to drop by sometime, read more about us and see what we're up to on our blog and facebook, or check out the links to the right. Come grow with us...

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

30 Hour Famine!

Join us in welcoming and praying for our new Youth Director,

Sunday, October 4, 2015


     We are earnestly seeking a self-motivated, well-rounded Christian to take over the helm of our Youth Ministries!  This is an exciting opportunity for and individual with a strong faith who works well with people of all ages. 
     If you haven't already been praying, we ask that you join us in lifting up both those searching for our new Youth Leader, as well as the individual him/herself who will eventually be chosen. 
For a complete job description and a list of required paperwork for applications, please CLICK HERE to be redirected to our church's Employment/Volunteer page on our main website.

Saturday, May 23, 2015


     This webpage is undergoing some changes--just like all of us!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Mission Log: Portland 2013

This is where to find all that's happening during the Mission Trip! Follow the adventures of Ethan, Kevin,
Riley, and Zach as they go out as representatives of our Lord from our congregation and youth group.
We start with a map of the various Mission Partners we are working with in Greater Portland.

View Larger Map

Keep checking back for photos, vids, stories, and more as the week progresses!

We met up with Jacob, a social worker in Portland, who gave us a tour of the city, exposing us to the face of homelessness and poverty in various places and levels and how many ended up in those situations.



Today we started our "real" work, heading into Vancouver to work with Friends of the Carpenter, a ministry of relationships with those in rehab, restoration, and homeless situations. We were able to tour the facility and help prepare a newsletter for 3500 ministry partners.

After FotC, we trekked into Portland to tour the Shanghai Tunnels. It's an important reminder that human trafficking is still a problem today...

After-dark found us at Voodoo Donut, where a long line, including traveling minstrels, entertained us until we finally enjoyed epic donuts.

Wednesday morning we traveled south to Medical Teams, International's REAL. LIFE. ehxibit, which created scenes from 9 different conlict, poverty, or disaster areas in need. also of great importance was that we finally got to shower!
Our evening escapades found us on the MAX headed to ride the escalators at Lloyd Center. Dinner found us atop a double decker bus eating gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches at Grilled Cheese Grill.


We drove to Lift Urban Portland this morning to help with their community garden that provides fresh vegetables to seniors and those in need. Surprise: we also got to paint their pantry shelf!
After day in North, we grabbed dinner from the food carts and headed to Burnside for Nighstrike, a relational homeless ministry. Zach headed out with a group for prayer walk, Riley with another group handing out snacks and drinks, while Ethan and Kevin stayed under the Burnside Bridge to give haircuts to those needing them. Yes, haircuts. All had an incredible time.


We went to Union Gospel Mission's Tigard site, where we were able to help sort and prepare items for sale through their Thrift store, where all sales went to help those supported by their programs around the Greater Portland area.
In the evening we took advantage of some down time and headed underground for 18 holes of blacklight, pirate-themed mini golf.

As a part of the My Night In A Box program we procured some cardboard and spent the night outside on cold pavement. Cardboard is not much of a cushion we discovered, and the Police don't like us sleeping in a church yard (but it worked out alright). 

Our last day found us up at dawn and heading to Burnside where we worked with the Portland Rescue Mission, serving breakfast to about 150 people, and then working on projects that would help PRM continue to serve the large homeless community of Portland.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Mission 2013

July 7th – 13th
Youth Summer Mission is going to Portland, OR, to serve those in need within the city! We will be staying at First Presbyterian Church of Portland, partnering with several agencies in service of those in need, whether homeless, in addiction programs, abuse shelters, unemployed, and more. 

Each day will take us to a different forum to serve others, including gardening, building, organizing, conversing, supplying food and clothing, or procuring supplies. Each day will also take us to some infamous Portland location, from VooDoo Donut to the Shanghai Tunnels and more!

We currently have 10 spots available for our group, and a $50 deposit reserving your spot is due by May 31st, with the remainder due by June 30th. The Mission Information Packet has information and the necessary forms to be filled out to be a part of this adventure.

Video Links about our Mission Partners:

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

click to view larger
2013 kicks off a whole new year where we have the opportunity to grow in our knowledge and actions in Jesus, taking the gospel with us wherever we go. Whew, that's a big responsibility, isn't it?

Well, as usual, we'll gather to learn, grow, and have fun together on Sunday night youth groups, Bible Study, and Sunday School.

Other highlights this month include:
  • January 1st: Youth New Year's Game Day. Come to the church from 2pm til 4pm or so for an assortment of running, jumping, crawling, hiding, dancing, shooting, and other games to welcome in the new year.
  • January 6th: ICE SKATING & CHILI FEED! Our Annual Skate & Bean day is just around the corner. Meet at the YWCA at 4:30 for an hour of ice skating (we've rented out the whole rink!), and then head over to the church for chili, cornbread, brownies, games and more! This is for all ages, so bring along your fam', friends, and random folk you meet on the street. suggested donation is $3/person or $10 per family. (no regular youth groups)
  • Wednesdays beginning January 9th: Bible Study takes a look at what the Bible says about Angels for a couple of months. Be sure to join us at 6:45pm every week to find out more about these heavenly messengers, warriors, and worshipers. Dinner at 6pm for all ages.

*Join our Facebook group for CREW (mid-high) or DEEP (sr-high).
Contact Kevin with any questions, complaints, ideas, concerns, or Slurpee cravings.
email: kevin@wwpcusa.org | work: 525.1093 | cell: 503.866.8904

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Turkey Bowl 2012

Advent kicked off with the Annual Turkey Bowl... (click to see more pics)
Turkey Bowl 2012