...existing to know Jesus and make Him known...

At Walla' Pres, we try to be real, fun, intentional, relevant, and growing. We want everyone who runs into us to feel welcomed and valued... wherever they are in their lives and their walk with the Lord. Sometimes we do that, other times we miss the goal; but that's ok... we aren't expected to be perfect!

Feel free to drop by sometime, read more about us and see what we're up to on our blog and facebook, or check out the links to the right. Come grow with us...

Friday, January 27, 2012

February Calendar & Events

Throughout the month of February we will be concentrating on the 30 Hour Famine and how we can help those whose lives are threatened from lack of food or clean water. Want to sign up to be a part of this? Contact Kevin, or come to Youth Group for a fundraising/info packet.
The 30 Hour Famine will be the 24th-25th. Start your fast (not eating) at 1pm on Friday, come to the church at 7pm for an overnighter, and Saturday we'll learn more, play games, help at the Food Pantry and Christian Aid Center, and break the fast together at 7pm that night. Get sponsored by family, friends, church members, teachers, etc to raise money and awareness about the Global Hunger issue.

February 12th will have us going on a Progressive Dinner, in honor of Valentine's Day. This is a chance to get dressed up in fancy clothes and travel to 3 different places where we will experience different courses of an amazing dinner!
Meet at the Church at 6:00pm. We'll be back at 8:00pm. This takes the place of Youth Groups for the day.

Youth Praise Team is moving to Thursday afternoons in February, down in the Youth Caves from 4pm until about 5:15 every week. Want to play/sing/dance/etc? Come join in!

Want to go skiing? Every Saturday in February the church van is heading up to Bluewood. Meet at the church at 8am, and we'll be back around 5pm. Be sure to sign up with Kevin; we only have 11 spots!

SNOWBLAST: Sr. High Winter Camp is coming up March 2nd-4th, so register now at www.ghormleymeadow.org. Contact Kevin with questions or if you need a scholarship to attend.

Be sure to be in the know: join our facebook groups, CREW or DEEP, for the lastest on what's coming up and going on!

Friday, January 20, 2012

SNOWBLAST 2012: Driving Deeper

Hey, High Schoolers! SnowBlast 2012 is planned and waiting, March 2nd - 4th. Whether it's your first time to Ghormley, or you've been going since you were a wee youngun, you should totally come to this! Games, learning, skiing, tubing, music, and so much more! We'll be Driving Deeper into the Bible and what Listening, Obedience, Confession, and Community can look like in our lives

$55 before February 1st, $65 after. $30 gets you a lift ticket and ski rental. Bring your friends for an even more epic time!

Register at www.ghormleymeadow.org.
(scholarships available. Contact Kevin for details)