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November brings the Holidays ever closer, and with it we find several events of awesomeness for the youth of Walla Walla...
Highlights include:
November 4th, 5:30pm: Talent Night & Dinner. This year's First Presbyterian talent show is set to the backdrop of Gilligan's Island... but don't let that stop you from being a part of it! Any sort of talent, island or otherwise, will be welcomed at this annual event for the whole congregation.
November 12th, 3:00pm: Mario Kart Tournament. With no school on this Monday, come to the church during the afternoon to test your Kart skills against other teens and leaders during this time of games, snacks, and basically celebrating the long weekend.
November 16th - 18th: The Blast (High School Retreat). 9th - 12th grade students head for the hills during this retreat, making camp at Ghormley Meadow outside of Yakima. Please register by the 14th if you can, and let Kevin know if you would like a scholarship ($ is not a reason to skip this event!) or need more details. We leave Friday around 3:30pm and get back Sunday around 3:30pm. $75 for the weekend (scholarships are available).
November 20th. Thanksgiving Worship & Dessert. Come to the church at 4:00pm to help prepare the desserts for our all-ages Worship Service & Dessert. Youth provide the pies, brownies, cookies, coffee, and cocoa as we gather to thank God for all He has blessed us with. Worship begins at 7:00pm and is followed by the Dessert & Coffee time.
November 23rd - 24th: CREW Lock-In (Middle School). 6th - 8th graders are encouraged to spend the night at the church together for games, movies, pizza, more games, snacks, randomness, more games, and possibly even sleep. Meet at the church at 8:00pm Friday and stay until 10:00am Saturday, or come any time in between that you are able!
Contact Kevin with any questions, complaints, ideas, concerns, or Slurpee cravings.
email: kevin@wwpcusa.org | work: 525.1093 | cell: 503.866.8904