- January 1st: Youth New Year's Game Day. Come to the church from 2pm til 4pm or so for an assortment of running, jumping, crawling, hiding, dancing, shooting, and other games to welcome in the new year.
- January 6th: ICE SKATING & CHILI FEED! Our Annual Skate & Bean day is just around the corner. Meet at the YWCA at 4:30 for an hour of ice skating (we've rented out the whole rink!), and then head over to the church for chili, cornbread, brownies, games and more! This is for all ages, so bring along your fam', friends, and random folk you meet on the street. suggested donation is $3/person or $10 per family. (no regular youth groups)
- Wednesdays beginning January 9th: Bible Study takes a look at what the Bible says about Angels for a couple of months. Be sure to join us at 6:45pm every week to find out more about these heavenly messengers, warriors, and worshipers. Dinner at 6pm for all ages.
Contact Kevin with any questions, complaints, ideas, concerns, or Slurpee cravings.
email: kevin@wwpcusa.org | work: 525.1093 | cell: 503.866.8904