...existing to know Jesus and make Him known...

At Walla' Pres, we try to be real, fun, intentional, relevant, and growing. We want everyone who runs into us to feel welcomed and valued... wherever they are in their lives and their walk with the Lord. Sometimes we do that, other times we miss the goal; but that's ok... we aren't expected to be perfect!

Feel free to drop by sometime, read more about us and see what we're up to on our blog and facebook, or check out the links to the right. Come grow with us...

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A few things of note:
- New this month is a chance for those interested to come together as a praise band: on Tuesday afternoons (beginning the 10th) we will meet together as musicians, vocalists, and Christians. Bring your talent and passion and we'll look at how to come together and lead others in worship of God via music (and more)...

- Sunday the 22nd has a few intriguing twists: mid-high and sr-high students get to help children's Sunday School at the 9:01am hour (talk to Sarah to help out), and the afternoon finds us across the street at the YWCA Ice Chalet for the Annual Ice Skating Party & Chili Feed. After skating, we'll come back for chili, hot dogs, cornbread, and many games together. Our special guests will be the youth group from Westside Church in Richland, so come welcome and hang with them!

Family Ski Van on Saturdays. If your family is looking to get up to Blue Wood, then join the group packing in the van and heading up ever Saturday in January. We'll leave the church at 8am and be back around 5pm. Contact Kevin with questions, or reserve your spot with Jenny Maxon.

Other events and details will be posted to the CREW and DEEP facebook groups and the youth website, so join or subscribe to get updates as they happen!

Monday, November 28, 2011

December Calendar & Advent

December... a month of celebrations, planning, vacations, holidays, resting, feasting, and so much more! 
We also have a lot going on this month, as you can tell by the attached Calendar. Regular Youth Groups, Sunday School, and Bible Study continue to meet, but to highlight a few special things, here's what is coming up:

December 16th-17th: High School Lock-In. Sorry Middle-Schoolers, this one is just for those in 9th-12th grades! Meet at the church around 7pm Friday evening and the doors lock until 10am Saturday morning. Games, movies, munchies, and more... what a great way to kick off the Christmas Break! (sleep optional)

December 18th: Christmas Parties! Each group has their own get-together at the McKibben's home (756 Wauna Vista, Walla Walla). Mid-High meets from 5pm until 6:30pm. High School meets 7pm until 8:30pm. The time will include munchies, games, white-elephant gift exchange (under $5 or wrap something to re-gift... there will be "back up" gifts if you forget!), carols, and more!

December 21st: Mystery Event (details to come soon!)

December 22nd: All-Church Caroling. Come meet up at the church and we'll load up in the van and head out to sing carols around the community. Brothers, sisters, parents, friends, etc are invited to come along! (Parents: let Kevin know if you can help shuttle students)

December 27th: All Day Star Wars Marathon! Whether you're a die-hard fan or have never watched them, everyone is invited to come to this 13 1/2 hour geek-a-thon Movie Extravaganza! We'll start with Episode I (Phantom Menace) at 9:30am and work our way through the rest, ending late in the evening (around 11pm). Food and Drinks will appear randomly throughout the day. Come for them all, or just as you are able! Got friends or family that are bored? bring 'em along!

Of course we encourage everyone to come to a Christmas Celebration on Christmas Eve (5pm, 7pm, or 11pm) and/orChristmas Day (10:31am). This is what it's all about, after all! Check out this Online Advent CalendarPaperless Christmas (or view vid 1 below)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Stone Soup & Turkey Bowl 2011

November 27th 2011

1) Stone Soup: We prep a Turkey Soup lunch for the rest of the congregation while they are in service (meet at 9:30am in the Kitchen), then everyone gathers in the Fellowship Hall to enjoy the meal together (around 11:45am), which will also include Kevin's homemade bread and Decorate-Your-Own Cookies!

2) the Youth Groups will head out to the big yard to play our Annual Flag-Football game around 1pm.

3) After the game, come down to the Youth Caves where Pizza will be waiting, and we'll have a movie afternoon. 

*NO YOUTH GROUPS IN THE EVENING. Come to the earlier stuff instead.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

November Calendar & Events

click to enlarge
Take look at what's coming up, as we have some different things in November than usual...                    ...for example:

November 6th: No Youth Group; instead, come to our Fall Uber-Good Dinner & Talent Show! Heck, you can be IN the talent show! Just let me know ASAP and you can sing/dance/juggle/mime/yo-yo/unicycle/act/fall/play to your heart's content!

November 22nd: Thanksgiving eve-eve Worship Service and Dessert. Any youth and/or family who can bake/make a taste-sensation in dessert form, bring it for this evening event. I (and other leaders) will be making espresso drinks and italian sodas to accompany your desserts! (let me know if you can do this, or if you can help!)

November 27th: Ok, this one takes some explaining; It's "Stone Soup Sunday", where everyone brings an ingredient to morning worship, and WE (youth) make soup for a big ol' lunch at noon. After that, we have our Annual Turkey Bowl football game out in the yard! The more come, the easier the work and the more EPIC the game! (also, no evening  youth group due to the epicness of the afternoon)
The 27th is also the first Sunday in Advent, where we look toward the coming of our Lord, Jesus... at his birth 2000+ years ago, as well as the future hope we have of his return to the earth. (virtual Advent Calendar w/ videos:  http://www.paperlesschristmas.org.uk/)

I hope to see you at youth group, during the weeks, and throughout the month!
- Kevin

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Wanna Go Deeper?

Wednesdays at 6:45pm in the Youth Caves we are studying the Gospel of Mark; what it meant to Jesus' followers, and what it means to us today. In between readings and thoughts we'll play games, drink rootbeer, and generally be chill. Both Mid-high and Sr-High are invited to come. Bring your Bible and let's figure this whole thing out together!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

SLAMQUEST!!! (mid-high camp)

November 11th - 13th will find us up at Ghormley Meadow for Mid-High SLAMQUEST.

The cost is $75* for the entire time. We'll leave from the church around 3:30pm on Friday (bring a sack dinner for the road!) and come back around 3:30pm on Sunday (We won't have CREW on the 13th). Be sure to register through the Ghormley site!

"We live in a crazy world that send all sorts of crazy messages! What we need is to FOCUS. Come join us for a great weekend as we look at the book of Ephesians and what we need to do to get our attention back in the right direction. You don't want to miss an awesome weekend of worship, crazy games, good food, and important lessons from God's Word!"

*scholarships are available. contact Kevin with questions or details...

Friday, September 30, 2011

Sunday Morning Gatherings...

This Sunday, the 2nd, marks the beginning of our Sunday Morning Group time. Every week during the 10:31am service, we will meet down in the Caves for coffee, cocoa, donuts, the occasional game, and stories from the Bible. We'll follow the rabbit trail as we spend the next year going through the Bible, one story at a time.

Currently both Mid-high and Sr-high will meet together for this time. Oh, and don't forget to hit up the 9:01am service before our meeting time when you can... sometimes we'll talk about what was said during service.

Friday, September 23, 2011

What?! Even More Youth Group?!

That's right; CREW (mid-high) and DEEP (sr-high) meet every week on Sunday evenings! It's the type of thing to actually schedule homework around...

Each week we come together as folk interested in getting to know each other and getting to know God a little bit more. Whether it's for the games, the singing, the dinner, or even the teaching discussions, Youth Groups are better when YOU are a part of it!

CREW @ 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Dinner for everyone @ 6:30pm - 7:00pm
DEEP @ 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Youth Group Kicks Off!!!

So school has started up again, the fair has come and gone, and Youth Groups are ready to start up again on a regular schedule... with a new Youth Director, a pumped staff of volunteer leaders, and YOU!!!

This years' schedule is a bit different, and we hope that everyone can continue to be a part of things, and even bring a friend or two as we really get going as a group, community, and church!

September 11th:
Rally Day Worship Service at 10:31am
Potluck Lunch, games, and water guns vs. Kevin & Albert
Movie Night @ 6:30pm in the Youth Cave.

Beginning September 18th:
CREW (middle school youth group) meets 5:oopm - 7:00pm every Sunday.
DEEP (senior high youth group) meets 6:30pm - 8:30pm every Sunday.
Dinner for both groups happens from 6:30pm - 7:oopm.

Starting September 14th:
Mid-Week meeting is a part of the Wednesdays @ First & Birch (WFB), beginning with Family Dinner at 6:00pm and moving to a Bible Study at 6:45 for 6th - 12th grade students.
The ROCK (3rd - 5th grades) meet 4:30pm - 6:00pm. Adults have their own Bible Study at 6:45pm with Pastor Albert.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Sign Up Sheets for 2011 Summer Youth Events!

If you're interested in participating in the upcoming DEEP and CREW trip to Silverwood or the DEEP Mission Weekend, print off:
1) the sign up form(s) and
2) a copy of the Church Permission Form that is found on this blog's resource section (to the right of this post).
Fill them out and return them to Kate as soon as possible!

Let your friends know that they can find the forms here and also in the church office!
Space is limited, so don't wait!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Class of 2011 - Senior Interviews

Click here to watch on YouTube

Seven of our Class of 2011 seniors sit down to answer a few questions about their faith before they graduate.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dear Dreesmann Family - Video

Click here to watch on YouTube

After spend the last 4.5 years at WWFPC the time has come to share memories with and say goodbye to the Dreesmann family as they begin their new ministry in Jerome, ID.