...existing to know Jesus and make Him known...

At Walla' Pres, we try to be real, fun, intentional, relevant, and growing. We want everyone who runs into us to feel welcomed and valued... wherever they are in their lives and their walk with the Lord. Sometimes we do that, other times we miss the goal; but that's ok... we aren't expected to be perfect!

Feel free to drop by sometime, read more about us and see what we're up to on our blog and facebook, or check out the links to the right. Come grow with us...

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Mission 2013

July 7th – 13th
Youth Summer Mission is going to Portland, OR, to serve those in need within the city! We will be staying at First Presbyterian Church of Portland, partnering with several agencies in service of those in need, whether homeless, in addiction programs, abuse shelters, unemployed, and more. 

Each day will take us to a different forum to serve others, including gardening, building, organizing, conversing, supplying food and clothing, or procuring supplies. Each day will also take us to some infamous Portland location, from VooDoo Donut to the Shanghai Tunnels and more!

We currently have 10 spots available for our group, and a $50 deposit reserving your spot is due by May 31st, with the remainder due by June 30th. The Mission Information Packet has information and the necessary forms to be filled out to be a part of this adventure.

Video Links about our Mission Partners: