...existing to know Jesus and make Him known...

At Walla' Pres, we try to be real, fun, intentional, relevant, and growing. We want everyone who runs into us to feel welcomed and valued... wherever they are in their lives and their walk with the Lord. Sometimes we do that, other times we miss the goal; but that's ok... we aren't expected to be perfect!

Feel free to drop by sometime, read more about us and see what we're up to on our blog and facebook, or check out the links to the right. Come grow with us...

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

August Calendar & Events

August continues to be a month full of opportunities for adventure and fun! Highlights include...

Silverwood. On August 12th-13th we'll pile into the church van(s) and head to Idaho for a day and a half of epicness at the theme park and water park, camping overnight.

All-Church Bowling. On August 26th we join the rest of the congregation at 2pm at Stardust Lanes to bowl our way through the afternoon.

Youth Groups & Pool Parties. We continue to meet each Sunday evening, 5pm for Mid-high, 6:30 or 7pm for Sr-high. Meet at the McKibben's (756 Wauna Vista) on August 19th for a pool party and bbq. Emylee Gobel's Senior Spotlight will finish the evening out (5pm-6:30pm CREW, 7pm-8:30pm DEEP). August 26th we will meet at the church for games, singing, dinner, and more (5pm-7pm CREW, 6:30pm-8:30pm DEEP. Please note the time change from the calendar).

Lunch Bible Studies. Wednesdays for both mid and sr high, meet at the church at noon and we'll wander away for lunch and to look at what the Bible tells us about being a fellowship of believers.

Flamingos at Midnight. Flamingos continue to flock yards through August 28th, so be sure that Kevin has your cell phone to text (or a parent's) or check the facebook groups for details!

*Join our Facebook group for CREW (mid-high) or DEEP (sr-high).
Contact Kevin with any questions, complaints, ideas, concerns, or Slurpee cravings.
email: kevin@wwpcusa.org | work: 525.1093 | cell: 503.866.8904