...existing to know Jesus and make Him known...

At Walla' Pres, we try to be real, fun, intentional, relevant, and growing. We want everyone who runs into us to feel welcomed and valued... wherever they are in their lives and their walk with the Lord. Sometimes we do that, other times we miss the goal; but that's ok... we aren't expected to be perfect!

Feel free to drop by sometime, read more about us and see what we're up to on our blog and facebook, or check out the links to the right. Come grow with us...

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Turkey Bowl 2012

Advent kicked off with the Annual Turkey Bowl... (click to see more pics)
Turkey Bowl 2012

Thursday, November 29, 2012

December Calendar & Events

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So many things going on this month as we enter the Holyday season! Here are some highlights to make note of:

  • December 2nd: Stone Soup, Turkey Bowl, Pizza, & a Movie
      • Can we fit any more into a single day? Well, yes, but we won't.
    • 9:00am: Come to the church kitchen to help prepare Lunch for the congregation.
    • 10:31am: Worship Service for everyone!
    • 11:45am: Stone Soup Lunch (all-church)
    • 1:00pm: Annual Flag Football Turkey Bowl in the Big Yard.
    • 2:00pm: Pizza & a Movie down in Youth Cave 2.0
      • (no regular youth groups)
  • December 19th: Christmas Caroling
    • Meet at the church at 6:30pm and we'll head around town bringing the joy of song to many who are shut-in and unable to venture out to enjoy the season of Christmas. Cookies and Cocoa will be enjoyed after we're done around 8:00pm.
  • December 21st - 22nd: High School Lock-In
    • 9th - 12th graders come to the church around 8:00pm for an all-nighter of games, candy, movies, tacos, Nerf wars, Flamingo games, Bacon Maple bars, and more! Come when you can, leave when you have to. It could be a good idea to bring Nerf gear and a Sleeping Bag with Pillow... just in case.
  • December 23rd: Youth Christmas Party (6:00pm)
    • 6th - 12th graders come together to celebrate Christmas during this time of food, song, videos, games, and a white-elephant gift exchange (keep it under $5, regift something you didn't want, or wrap something you found around the house).
  • December 29th: Epic Movie Day (2:00pm - 9:00pm)
    • Come watch all 3 Jurassic Park movies, complete with Dino-hats for the first 10 students or so. Dinner will be served in between II and III. Feel free to act out your favorite part!
December 24th: Christmas Eve Services.
We hope that you and your families will join us for one or more of our Christmas Eve services here at First Presbyterian. 5:00pm is our Kid Friendly service, with a play by church staff, lots of songs, story-time, little-kids bell choir, and a simpler presentation of the Christmas story. 7:00pm is a traditional English "Lessons & Carols" worship service with many songs of old, the Christmas story, and more. If you're a late night person, our 11:00pm service is a Contemplative, quieter time of worship. Candle light, acoustic guitars, and Communion focus us on the true meaning of Christmas: "Unto us a child is born!"

*Join our Facebook group for CREW (mid-high) or DEEP (sr-high).
Contact Kevin with any questions, complaints, ideas, concerns, or Slurpee cravings.
email: kevin@wwpcusa.org | work: 525.1093 | cell: 503.866.8904

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

November Calendar & Events

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November brings the Holidays ever closer, and with it we find several events of awesomeness for the youth of Walla Walla...

Highlights include:

November 4th, 5:30pm: Talent Night & Dinner. This year's First Presbyterian talent show is set to the backdrop of Gilligan's Island... but don't let that stop you from being a part of it! Any sort of talent, island or otherwise, will be welcomed at this annual event for the whole congregation.

November 12th, 3:00pm: Mario Kart Tournament. With no school on this Monday, come to the church during the afternoon to test your Kart skills against other teens and leaders during this time of games, snacks, and basically celebrating the long weekend.

November 16th - 18th: The Blast (High School Retreat). 9th - 12th grade students head for the hills during this retreat, making camp at Ghormley Meadow outside of Yakima. Please register by the 14th if you can, and let Kevin know if you would like a scholarship ($ is not a reason to skip this event!) or need more details. We leave Friday around 3:30pm and get back Sunday around 3:30pm. $75 for the weekend (scholarships are available).

November 20th. Thanksgiving Worship & Dessert. Come to the church at 4:00pm to help prepare the desserts for our all-ages Worship Service & Dessert. Youth provide the pies, brownies, cookies, coffee, and cocoa as we gather to thank God for all He has blessed us with. Worship begins at 7:00pm and is followed by the Dessert & Coffee time.

November 23rd - 24th: CREW Lock-In (Middle School). 6th - 8th graders are encouraged to spend the night at the church together for games, movies, pizza, more games, snacks, randomness, more games, and possibly even sleep. Meet at the church at 8:00pm Friday and stay until 10:00am Saturday, or come any time in between that you are able!

*Join our Facebook group for CREW (mid-high) or DEEP (sr-high).
Contact Kevin with any questions, complaints, ideas, concerns, or Slurpee cravings.
email: kevin@wwpcusa.org | work: 525.1093 | cell: 503.866.8904

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October Calendar & Events

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Whew, with Autumn upon us, we get ready for colder days, longer nights, and celebrations of all sorts!

This month's highlights include*:

October 5th, 9:00 - 11:00pm. Night of Rock @ the Y. 9th - 12th graders are encouraged to join other High School students at the YMCA to experience several local bands at this event hosted by Andrew Sayers & Will Matschukat. $2 gets you in to epicness.

October 14th: Youth Away, Part 2.
10:31am - Meet at the Church Van for another excursion out on the town for breakfast, lesson, and good times.
5:00 - 7:00pm. Mid-High meets at [to be determined] for games, dinner, and more!
7:00pm - 9:00pm. Sr-High meets at Jenn's (515 Bridge St. Near Pi-Hi) for dinner, games, talks, music, and more!

October 26th - 28th: SLAMQUEST!!!
Middle School students have the opportunity to go up to Ghormley Meadows for a weekend of epic games, songs, paintball, lessons from Donny Butkus, Night Games, and so. much. more. Register online or contact Kevin with any questions. $75 for the weekend (scholarships available). For a full brochure, click here.

October 28th, 6:00 - 9:00pm: Haunted Corn Maze!
Meet at the church and we'll pile into vans, cars, etc to head out to the Walla Walla Corn Maze together! $8 includes entrance and dinner. We'll be back to the church by 9:00pm. Feel free to come in costume, but be sure to have shoes that can get muddy.

October 31st:
3:00 - 5:00pm. Harvest Carnival. The Church hosts it's epic Harvest Carnival for kids in the afternoon. If you can help host a game booth, give out candy, do a puppet show, or play music contact Sarah. Yes, you get ChurchBucks toward other events for helping out. :)
7:00 - 10:00pm. Halloween Bash. After your own trick or treating, dinner, or trunk 'r treat, come on down to the church basement where we'll have candy, movies, pop, Zombie games, and more!!! Drop in any time between 7 and 10.

Next Month: The Blast. November 16th - 18th the high schoolers head up to Ghormley Meadow for their own epic retreat. Be sure to check your calendar and register online or contact Kevin for details!.

*Join our Facebook group for CREW (mid-high) or DEEP (sr-high).
Contact Kevin with any questions, complaints, ideas, concerns, or Slurpee cravings.
email: kevin@wwpcusa.org | work: 525.1093 | cell: 503.866.8904

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Fall Kickoff & September Events Calendar

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Well, school has started and so it must be time to kick off Youth Groups for the Fall! Other things may pop up via facebook and text, so be sure to have your contact info in to Kevin. Be sure to have a 2012-2013 Permission Form filled out to attend epic events. Fill it out with your parents and bring it back to Kevin.
So here's what's happening:

RALLY DAY! What the heck is Rally Day anyway? Well, it's the kick off of Christian Education programs for the Fall. This year we're also acknowledging 100 years in our bil ol' stone building with a community lunch, games, pony rides, and other fun stuff after church on September 9th. (Please note: there is only ONE WORSHIP SERVICE AT 10:31am this Sunday!)
Christian Aid Center Dinner. (Thursday, September 13th) The youth prepare and serve dinner for the needy several times a year at the CAC. Meet at the back door of their kitchen (off Birch & 4th) at 4pm and we'll be done around 6:15pm. This is a great way to serve others in the name of Jesus Christ! (or meet Kevin at the church around 3:45pm and we'll walk together.)
Movie Night. On Friday, September 14th, youth fight over their favorite couches to watch not one, but BOTH Ghostbusters movies. Pizza, popcorn, and other movies novelties will be provided. Bring your friends and enjoy these classic films!
YOUTH AWAY! Because of the Walk With Christ spiritual retreat being held at the church, on September 30th Youth Sunday School will pile into the van and head out for breakfast and a devotional together. Youth Groups that evening will be at Pioneer Park... follow the Flamingos to find where we're meeting there! Please note that there is NOT an overlapping dinner time on this night. CREW is 5-7, DEEP 7-9 at the Park, but each group will have a picnic of their own.

*****REGULAR STUFF******

Sunday Night Youth Group. Beginning September 9th Middle School (CREW) meets from 5pm-7pm and High School (DEEP) meets from 6:30pm-9:00pm at the church (unless specified otherwise) for games, songs, lessons, more games, dinner, and a time of getting to know other Christians better. 
Wednesday Night Bible Study. Part of Wednesdays @ First & Birch starting September 12th, 6th - 12th grade students meet together (for now. we may split into 2 groups depending on how many come regularly) to take a deeper look at what the Bible actually says and means for our faith and lives as followers of Jesus. This Fall we start with a look at a couple of the Letters written to early Christians. Dinner is available at 6:00pm and Bible Study starts at 6:45ish (Dinner is for families, not just youth. In fact, there is adult Bible study, Alpha: exploring the meaning of life, or choir at the same time as Youth Bible study. Childcare provided for the younger ones.)
Sunday School. Beginning September 16th 6th - 12th grade students meet in the basement during the 10:31am Worship Service to learn more about the stories found in the Bible, watch videos about cool stuff, talk about how Scripture speaks into our faith, and usually play the Wii. Cocoa, Coffee, and Donuts accompany this morning time. (We do encourage students to attend the 9:01am worship service and grow as a multi-generational group of believers. Adult & Children's Sunday School is also going on at 10:31 so bring the whole family!)

*Join our Facebook group for CREW (mid-high) or DEEP (sr-high).
Contact Kevin with any questions, complaints, ideas, concerns, or Slurpee cravings.
email: kevin@wwpcusa.org | work: 525.1093 | cell: 503.866.8904

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

August Calendar & Events

August continues to be a month full of opportunities for adventure and fun! Highlights include...

Silverwood. On August 12th-13th we'll pile into the church van(s) and head to Idaho for a day and a half of epicness at the theme park and water park, camping overnight.

All-Church Bowling. On August 26th we join the rest of the congregation at 2pm at Stardust Lanes to bowl our way through the afternoon.

Youth Groups & Pool Parties. We continue to meet each Sunday evening, 5pm for Mid-high, 6:30 or 7pm for Sr-high. Meet at the McKibben's (756 Wauna Vista) on August 19th for a pool party and bbq. Emylee Gobel's Senior Spotlight will finish the evening out (5pm-6:30pm CREW, 7pm-8:30pm DEEP). August 26th we will meet at the church for games, singing, dinner, and more (5pm-7pm CREW, 6:30pm-8:30pm DEEP. Please note the time change from the calendar).

Lunch Bible Studies. Wednesdays for both mid and sr high, meet at the church at noon and we'll wander away for lunch and to look at what the Bible tells us about being a fellowship of believers.

Flamingos at Midnight. Flamingos continue to flock yards through August 28th, so be sure that Kevin has your cell phone to text (or a parent's) or check the facebook groups for details!

*Join our Facebook group for CREW (mid-high) or DEEP (sr-high).
Contact Kevin with any questions, complaints, ideas, concerns, or Slurpee cravings.
email: kevin@wwpcusa.org | work: 525.1093 | cell: 503.866.8904

Friday, June 29, 2012

July Calendar & Events

July brings our first full month of Summer, and many epic adventures with it!


  • Youth Group Pool Parties & BBQ. We continue to meet at one another's homes on July 1st (Justin's, 1537 Gray Lynn Dr) and July 8th (Gobel's, 2009 Wallace St). Mid-high from 5-6:30pm, Sr-high 7-8:30pm. 
  • Mission Trip! The Mission Team will be commissioned during worship services on July 15th and then leave later that day for Shoshone Base Camp in Northern Idaho. We'd love it if everyone would come and support the team in Worship. The Team will be back in the wee hours of the morning on July 21st.
  • Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp. Middle School students (going into 6th-9th grade) have the opportunity to go to an epic camp up at Ghormley from July 29th - August 4th. If you would like to go, or get more info, talk to Kevin or go to www.ghormleymeadow.org. 
  • Ice-Blocking. July 28th we will meet at the church, climb in the van, go get blocks of ice, and ride them down grassy hills! This is totally free, and randomly fun! Don't forget to bring a towel that  you don't mind getting grass stains on!
  • All-Church Swim Party & S'more Roast. July 22nd we will not have regular youth groups, but join others at the Milton-Freewater Aquatic Center from 7pm - 9pm. S'mores will kick off the evening, followed by a raucous time in the pools. Contact Kevin if you need a ride, but try to bring the fam' too!
  • Flamingos at Midnight. Our stealth flocking continues through July, so be sure Kevin has your cell number or join our facebook groups to know when they will happen.
Questions? Contact Kevin anytime!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

June Calendar Changes!!!

Please notice that LaserQuest has moved toJune 28th due to scheduling conflicts.

The Mission Team Commissioning has also been changed, to July 8th during worship services.

Contact Kevin with any questions!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

June Calendar & Events

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Highlights in June include:

- The Last Youth Groups of the Year... kinda. June 3rd is our last meeting of the school year. Nerf Wars, Pizza, and the importance of faith & doubt. We'll take a couple of weeks off to recover and ease into summer, and then regroup on...
- The First Youth Groups of the Summer! ...June 24th will be the first pool party & bbq youth groups. Come to the Matschukat's place for swimming, hangtime, and dinner. Note that there is a slight time change: CREW 5pm - 6:30pm, DEEP 7pm - 8:30pm. Each group will have their own dinner time.

- Vacation Bible School (June 11th-15th). Youth play a vital role in VBS for children, including set up, music team, tribe leaders, shop keepers, and so much more! If you can help out, please be sure to contact Sarah as soon as possible, or show up at a Saturday work day, starting at 9am.

- Study Break! Prepping for finals getting to you? Then come to the church on Tuesday, June 5th for pizza, games, and other mindless activities. (be sure your parents are chill with it though!)

- LaserQuest (June 28th). We'll load up in the van(s) to head to Spokane for a couple of quality hours of lasertag. We leave at 10am, have lunch along the way, and hopefully will be back by 7pm. Space is limited, so make your reservation by giving $15 to Kevin as soon as you can! (You must have a permission form on file to go on this event!)

- The Sweet Elvis Night (June 27th). We've booked 100 seats for the Walla Walla Sweets' home game on Elvis Night! Tickets are $5, so bring your friends, come with family, sit with church members, or chill with Kevin. Bonus if you come in Elvis outfits! Meet us at Borleske at 7pm or catch a ride with Kevin in the church van (leaves at 6:20pm). Get your tickets from Sarah or the church office.

- Summer Bible Study Lunches. Wednesdays during the summer (starting June 20th) will find us at one place or another for lunch and Bible Study. Meet at the church by noon and we'll walk, skip, or drive to a different place. Bring a couple bucks, a sack lunch, or beg Kevin to share. Be sure to check the facebooks* or texts for location details or be at the church by noon.

*Join the Facebook group for CREW (Mid-High) or DEEP (Sr-High).
Contact Kevin with any questions, complaints, ideas, concerns, or cravings for a Slurpee.
email: kevin@wwpcusa.org | work: 525.1093 | cell: 503.866.8904

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

May Calendar & Events

Highlights for May include:
- Mother's Day Lunch Fundraiser. Be sure to be a part of this event on Sunday, May 13th, where we serve a fantastic meal to families of our church and community. Set up will be Saturday, May 12th from noon until about 1:30pm. Ticket sales go to our summer events including Mission, Silverwood, Camps, and other awesomeness!
- Baccalaureate & Senior Sunday. Graduating Seniors are honored by our congregation on May 27th during worship services, and at Cordiner Hall on May 28th at 6:30pm during the Walla Walla Baccalaureate service. Bring your graduation gown and let us celebrate your accomplishments as we thank God for the blessings He has given us!
- VBS Prep Days. Earn Churchbucks toward summer events by coming to the church on Saturdays in May from 9am to 12noon and help Sarah with VBS construction, painting, planning, and more!
- Christian Aid Center Dinner Prep. Come to the Christian Aid Center down the street from us as we prepare and serve a meal for those who are hungry and in need. Service credit and Churchbucks are given for this service in Jesus' name. Let Kevin know if you want to be a part of this, or we'll just see you there at 4pm on Thursday, May 10th.As always, give Kevin a call, text, email, or facebook chat with any questions, ideas, complaints, etc.

Friday, April 13, 2012

April Calendar & Events

Spring Break:
Wandering Wednesday. Meet at the church at 10am, we'll load in the van and be off for adventure! We have 10 spots in the van so sign up with Kevin as soon as possible! $10takes care of activities and lunch. Back at the church by 4pm.
Midnight Worship. Thursday night at midnight (so technically really really early Friday morning) we will meet at the church for an hour of reflecting on the sacrifice Christ gave at the cross. Songs, prayers, Scripture readings, pictures, and silence will fill this time as we think of the Crucifixion. Too late for the folks to give you a ride? Let Kevin know, and he'll pick up up in the van around 11:30pm Thursday and make sure you get home after!

Mission Team:
- If you're going on the Mission Trip this summer, we have our first meeting on Sunday the 15th from noon until 1:30pm. we'll have a light lunch together, talk about the trip, prep ourselves spiritual, and go over the expectations. If you can't make it, please let Kevin know as soon as possible! 

Youth Movie Night:
- April 20th, a Friday, we will have a movie night down in the Youth Caves at 6:00pm, ending around 8:30pm. Popcorn, soda, and good times. Movie info to come closer to the event.

Easter Kitchen Crew:
- Students have the opportunity to earn credit ("church bucks")toward Mission trip, camps, and other events by helping bus and set tables during the Easter Brunch. First shift starts 8:30am and last one ends around 11amat . Come for as long as you can, and be sure to attend one of the Worship Services (7:45, 9:01, or 10:31am).

Dinners for Youth Group:
- If you like having dinners on Sunday evenings, talk with your parents, grandparents, etc about having them provide a meal for a week. Contact Kevin to sign up or with questions. 
No Youth Group Easter Sunday. Spend the time with your fam'!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

March Calendar & Events

March finds us recovering from the 30 Hour Famine, where the youth groups raised over $3000 to fight hunger around the world; great job everyone!

Here are the highlights of the month:
 - March 2nd - 4th: Sr. High Snowblast @ Ghormley
 - March 7th*: Lenten Contemplative Service in the Sanctuary
 - March 23rd - 24th: Mid-High Lock-In @ the Church

Regular Youth Groups every Sunday night.
Bible Study on Wednesday nights.*

Be sure to be in the know: join our facebook groups, CREW or DEEP, for the lastest on what's coming up and going on!

Monday, February 27, 2012

30 Hour Famine Vlog

Our last 2 Video Blog entries from the 30 Hour Famine.
We raised over $3000 to go to fight hunger and provide opportunity for children and their families.
Keep talking about it; this is only the beginning...

Friday, January 27, 2012

February Calendar & Events

Throughout the month of February we will be concentrating on the 30 Hour Famine and how we can help those whose lives are threatened from lack of food or clean water. Want to sign up to be a part of this? Contact Kevin, or come to Youth Group for a fundraising/info packet.
The 30 Hour Famine will be the 24th-25th. Start your fast (not eating) at 1pm on Friday, come to the church at 7pm for an overnighter, and Saturday we'll learn more, play games, help at the Food Pantry and Christian Aid Center, and break the fast together at 7pm that night. Get sponsored by family, friends, church members, teachers, etc to raise money and awareness about the Global Hunger issue.

February 12th will have us going on a Progressive Dinner, in honor of Valentine's Day. This is a chance to get dressed up in fancy clothes and travel to 3 different places where we will experience different courses of an amazing dinner!
Meet at the Church at 6:00pm. We'll be back at 8:00pm. This takes the place of Youth Groups for the day.

Youth Praise Team is moving to Thursday afternoons in February, down in the Youth Caves from 4pm until about 5:15 every week. Want to play/sing/dance/etc? Come join in!

Want to go skiing? Every Saturday in February the church van is heading up to Bluewood. Meet at the church at 8am, and we'll be back around 5pm. Be sure to sign up with Kevin; we only have 11 spots!

SNOWBLAST: Sr. High Winter Camp is coming up March 2nd-4th, so register now at www.ghormleymeadow.org. Contact Kevin with questions or if you need a scholarship to attend.

Be sure to be in the know: join our facebook groups, CREW or DEEP, for the lastest on what's coming up and going on!

Friday, January 20, 2012

SNOWBLAST 2012: Driving Deeper

Hey, High Schoolers! SnowBlast 2012 is planned and waiting, March 2nd - 4th. Whether it's your first time to Ghormley, or you've been going since you were a wee youngun, you should totally come to this! Games, learning, skiing, tubing, music, and so much more! We'll be Driving Deeper into the Bible and what Listening, Obedience, Confession, and Community can look like in our lives

$55 before February 1st, $65 after. $30 gets you a lift ticket and ski rental. Bring your friends for an even more epic time!

Register at www.ghormleymeadow.org.
(scholarships available. Contact Kevin for details)