...existing to know Jesus and make Him known...

At Walla' Pres, we try to be real, fun, intentional, relevant, and growing. We want everyone who runs into us to feel welcomed and valued... wherever they are in their lives and their walk with the Lord. Sometimes we do that, other times we miss the goal; but that's ok... we aren't expected to be perfect!

Feel free to drop by sometime, read more about us and see what we're up to on our blog and facebook, or check out the links to the right. Come grow with us...

Friday, April 13, 2012

April Calendar & Events

Spring Break:
Wandering Wednesday. Meet at the church at 10am, we'll load in the van and be off for adventure! We have 10 spots in the van so sign up with Kevin as soon as possible! $10takes care of activities and lunch. Back at the church by 4pm.
Midnight Worship. Thursday night at midnight (so technically really really early Friday morning) we will meet at the church for an hour of reflecting on the sacrifice Christ gave at the cross. Songs, prayers, Scripture readings, pictures, and silence will fill this time as we think of the Crucifixion. Too late for the folks to give you a ride? Let Kevin know, and he'll pick up up in the van around 11:30pm Thursday and make sure you get home after!

Mission Team:
- If you're going on the Mission Trip this summer, we have our first meeting on Sunday the 15th from noon until 1:30pm. we'll have a light lunch together, talk about the trip, prep ourselves spiritual, and go over the expectations. If you can't make it, please let Kevin know as soon as possible! 

Youth Movie Night:
- April 20th, a Friday, we will have a movie night down in the Youth Caves at 6:00pm, ending around 8:30pm. Popcorn, soda, and good times. Movie info to come closer to the event.

Easter Kitchen Crew:
- Students have the opportunity to earn credit ("church bucks")toward Mission trip, camps, and other events by helping bus and set tables during the Easter Brunch. First shift starts 8:30am and last one ends around 11amat . Come for as long as you can, and be sure to attend one of the Worship Services (7:45, 9:01, or 10:31am).

Dinners for Youth Group:
- If you like having dinners on Sunday evenings, talk with your parents, grandparents, etc about having them provide a meal for a week. Contact Kevin to sign up or with questions. 
No Youth Group Easter Sunday. Spend the time with your fam'!

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